Using Global Search in Dataiku DSS

The Global Search bar simplifies search and navigation in Dataiku DSS. A single search input at the top right of every screen enables discovery of DSS items like datasets and recipes, administrative settings, and help topics.


Start typing your search term, and Dataiku DSS begins searching for matches across several sources, including:

  • The Catalog

  • The reference documentation

  • Learn articles

  • Answers

  • The history of recently accessed items

  • An index of screens and settings

Searching External Connections

While the global search bar integrates many sources and is the simplest option for most queries, the Catalog still has an important role to play for certain kinds of queries, especially for exploring external connections.

In addition to retrieving Dataiku DSS items, the Catalog has the ability to search for tables in external connections.


Here we use the Catalog to search for tables in the PostgreSQL connection.

For more on using the global search bar in Dataiku DSS, see the video below: