Concept | Searching in Dataiku#
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Dataiku provides multiple ways to search for online help, datasets, recipes, projects, and other Dataiku items.
Data Catalog#
The Data Catalog, accessible from the Applications menu, is the recommended way to search for datasets in Dataiku.
In it, you can:
Find curated data collections.
View information about datasets.
Reuse them in your own projects.
Import tables from external connections.

See also
For more information, see:
The Concept | Data Catalog article in the Knowledge Base.
The Data Catalog article in the reference documentation.
Global Search#
On the top right of your Dataiku instance, the Global Search bar enables you to quickly find and navigate to many different types of Dataiku elements. It searches across several sources including help pages and Dataiku items like datasets and recipes, screens and settings within the product.

Using autocompletion#
Start typing your search term, and Dataiku begins searching for matches across several sources, including:
The data catalog.
The documentation (reference documentation, Knowledge Base, Developer Guide, Dataiku blog).
Community posts.
The history of recently accessed items.
An index of screens and settings.

Clicking on a result takes you directly to it.
Search DSS Items#
Search DSS Items, found in the Applications menu, is another way to search across projects and data sources in Dataiku. This page allows you to explore DSS items in further detail than you can through the Global Search bar.

To manage search results, you can sort or apply filters by type of item, associated projects, tags, and contributors. Select any item to view details such as projects, tags, and schema. Click on an item name to go directly to that item.

Next steps#
In this article, you learned how to search for assets in a Dataiku project by using the Global search and the Catalog. Continue getting to know the basics of Dataiku by learning about collaboration.