Solution | RFM Segmentation#


Business case#

Personalization is a huge opportunity for retail and CPG businesses. To do so, a key step is to identify purchasing patterns among consumers to make the right decisions depending on each consumer purchase behavior. While several techniques can be used to do so, one that has been tried and true is RFM segmentation. It identifies purchasing patterns by focusing on the recency, the frequency, and the monetary value of the consumer purchases.

In this plug and play solution, we assess all customers in a transactions dataset against those three criteria before segmenting customers across homogenous groups of users (segments): from the “hibernating” to the “champions”, every consumer belongs to one segment, which can evolve over time depending on the purchases made.

Brands are therefore able to push the right offer/product to the right consumer (segment). Doing so will foster loyalty and increase the consumer lifetime value for the brand, while consumers will benefit from a more personalized purchase journey.


The process to install this Solution differs depending on whether you are using Dataiku Cloud or a self-managed instance.

Dataiku Cloud users should follow the instructions for installing solutions on cloud.

  1. The Cloud Launchpad will automatically meet the technical requirements listed below, and add the Solution to your Dataiku instance.

  2. Once the Solution has been added to your space, move ahead to Data requirements.

Technical requirements#

To leverage this Solution, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have access to a Dataiku 13.2+* instance.

  • Dataiku’s Sankey Charts Plugin.

  • To benefit natively from the solution, your data should be stored in one of the following connections:

    • Snowflake

    • Google Cloud Platform: BigQuery + GCS (Both are required if you want to leverage BigQuery)

    • PostgreSQL

Data requirements#

The Dataiku Flow was initially built using publicly available data. However, this project is meant to be used with your own data which can be uploaded using the Dataiku application. Having a transactional historical dataset is mandatory to run the project and each row of the dataset should be comprised of:

  • A product (Product ID)

  • A related transaction (Transaction ID)

  • Number of products purchased in a transaction (Product Quantity)

  • The product purchase price (Product Price)

  • Transaction date (Date)

  • Customer who made the purchase (Customer ID)

Workflow overview#

You can follow along with the sample project in the Dataiku gallery.

Dataiku screenshot of the final project Flow showing all Flow zones.

The project has the following high-level steps:

  1. Connect your data as an input and select your analysis parameters via the Dataiku application.

  2. Ingest and pre-process the data to be available for RFM computation and propagation.

  3. Identify segments and apply segmentation to the customer base.

  4. Propagate RFM scoring beyond the defined period of dates.

  5. Interactively visualize the RFM segments as well as their evolution.



In addition to reading this document, it’s recommended to read the wiki of the project before beginning to get a deeper technical understanding of how this Solution was created and more detailed explanations of Solution-specific vocabulary.

Plug and play with your own data and parameter choices#

To begin, you will need to configure the solution with the project setup. You can do this by selecting Project Setup in the project’s home page.

  1. In the Inputs section of the project setup, reconfigure the connection parameters of the Flow. By default, the solution works with datasets in a filesystem connection. To connect the solution to your own transaction data, you will need your admin to inform you of your connection type and schema to be input into the Application parameters. Once completed, the Reconfigure button will rebuild the full Flow to work with your data. Following reconfiguration, you can refresh the webpage, and search for and test the transaction dataset.

  2. Once your data has been uploaded, the data needs to be preprocessed before association rules are identified. Within the Transactions preprocessing section of the project setup, you can define how the transactions dataset should be transformed. Specifically, it’s here where you can map the schema of the input transaction dataset to the solution-defined schema (See Data requirements). Additionally, you can clarify how the dates are formatted.

  3. With the data filtered and formatted correctly, move to RFM to define the period of time on which to filter the transaction history to use for RFM scoring. Additionally, select the RFM score computation technique (KMeans vs. quantile) and Monetary Value Policy (total basket amount vs. average basket amount). The appendix of the project wiki goes into detail about the difference between these methods and policies.

  4. Optionally, you can apply RFM propagation to the data by setting parameters of the RFM Propagation section. The overall project Flow will look different from what has been presented above if propagation is turned off. Applying propagation allows you to apply the selected RFM scoring method on a larger date range that you define and enables you to see how customers have transitioned between segments over time.

  5. We offer two final sections to make the project more production-ready. The Build all Flow at once section allows you to run all jobs needed to build the Flow using set parameters from the project setup. The Automation section activates pre-built scenarios to refresh the project with new data over time.

Dataiku screenshot of part of the project setup for RFM Segmentation

Once you’ve built all elements of the project setup, you can either continue to the Project View to explore the generated datasets or go straight to the dashboards to visualize the data.

Under the hood: Computing RFM scores and segmenting customers#


If you’re mainly interested in the visual components of this pre-packaged solution, feel free to skip this section.

The Dataiku application is built on top of a Dataiku Flow that has been optimized to accept input datasets and respond to your selected parameters. Let’s quickly walk through the different Flow zones to get an idea of how this was done. We will begin by focusing on the first branch of the Flow, which is specifically dedicated to the computation of RFM scores and customer segmentation based on those scores.

Flow zone


Mandatory Inputs

Contains the transactions_dataset which is populated by ingesting the transactions table defined in the Inputs section of the Application. By default, it contains a publicly available dataset we have provided. Additionally, there is an editable dataset that can be used to tailor the segments applied to customers (name, recency, and frequency values, plus a color hex code which is used for visualizations). This editable dataset is later synced into a non-editable dataset via the segments_identification_sync Flow zone.

Dataiku screenshot showing how to change the values of an editable dataset.

Transaction Preprocessing

Very simply renames columns, parses the date column if needed, extracts date elements, computes total price per transaction, and retrieves the RFM reference date defined in the Application as a constant to the dataset.

RFM Computation Preprocessing

Takes the prepared transaction dataset and aggregates the transaction data by customer so that we can create the features necessary for RFM scoring. It’s in this section that we also filter transactions based on the period of time defined in the Dataiku application as the dates filtering strategy.

RFM Segmentation

Applies the selected RFM scoring method and segments customers based on this score in the rfm_segmentation Flow zone using a single Python recipe. All customers are scored and segmented by the recipe and the resulting RFM scoring information is stored in a managed folder to be used later for optional propagation. Once again, highly detailed explanations of how this project works, as well as reference materials, can be found in the project wiki.

Datasets for Dashboards

Customer RFM segments are passed along to this zone, which isolates the datasets required for the various charts in the dashboards.

A matrix explaining how we have chosen to segment our customers based on their Recency and Frequency values.

Under the hood: Computing RFM scoring propagation#


If you chose not to propagate RFM scoring, you can skip this section.

The second branch of the Flow, which applies the RFM scoring method to a pre-defined propagation period, is seemingly more complicated than the first branch detailed above, but, it’s quite straightforward in practice.

Flow zone


RFM Propagation Preprocessing

Takes the prepared transactions dataset and aggregates the transaction data by customer per month. As a result, we get, for each month a customer made a transaction, the features that are used to apply the selected RFM scoring method. We also filter transactions based on a period of time, but the period is much larger than the one defined by the selected dates filtering strategy.

RFM Propagation

Leverages the RFM scoring information learned in the RFM Segmentation Flow zone and applies RFM segmentation to customers on a larger period of time.

RFM Propagation Last Dates

Filters customer RFM data to focus only on the most recent RFM segments and customers present in those recent segments. From this subset of data, we can then identify customers not present in the most recently identified segments as inactive customers.

RFM Propagation Scores

Computes the average RFM score for each month of the propagation period for analysis in the dashboard of month-over-month changes.

RFM Propagation Transitions

Computes the transitions between RFM features (recency, frequency, monetary value), as well as the transitions between RFM segments, before splitting the dataset into individual datasets per feature/segment so that you can analyze all transitions across multiple axes.

Dataiku screenshot of the zone responsible for computing the transitions between propagated RFM segments and features.

Datasets for Dashboards

Customer RFM segments are passed along to this zone, which isolates the datasets required for the various charts in the dashboards.

Further explore your customer segments with shareable visualizations#

The RFM Segmentation solution comes with two prebuilt dashboards: Business Analysis and Data Science Validation. We will begin by walking through what’s available in this dashboard.

The RFM Analysis delivers a treemap chart that enables you to explore the distribution of customers within RFM segments. The colors used for each customer segment and monetary value are defined in the editable dataset of the Inputs section and within the project variables, respectively.

Dataiku screenshot of the segment analysis chart delivered with this Solution.
  • If RFM Propagation was enabled, you can select between reference period customers, most recent dates customers, and inactive customers as the data source for treemap analysis.

  • The Treemap exploration strategy lets you choose between three different types of analysis:

    Analyzing segments on whole data

    Shows customer segments based only on recency and frequency, while ignoring their monetary value.

    Analyzing segments by monetary value relative importance

    shows the customer segments based on their recency and frequency, but additionally groups them by their respective monetary value.

    Analyzing segments split by monetary value

    Creates individual treemaps for a specific monetary value that can be selected/deselected, of the recency and frequency segments occurring in your dataset.

Two tabs are made available to analyze RFM scores. The first focuses on understanding the composition and occurrences of RFM scores, while the second tab contextualizes the RFM segments in a more global view.

Lastly, the EDA tab presents univariate and bivariate analyses of the RFM core information (i.e. the customer features leveraged to assess RFM scoring).

Dataiku screenshot showing a sample of the other visualizations available in the RFM Segmentation dashboard.

Assuming RFM Propagation was enabled, you can also access the RFM Propagation dashboard containing three pages:

Dataiku screenshot of the Sankey diagrams showing transitions of customers between different Segments
  • The RFM transitions tab uses a Sankey diagram to see the transitions occurring between RF segment labels (defined in the originating editable dataset). The chart is centered around customers classified as “Champions” so on the left side we can see all customer segments from which “Champions” originated while the right side shows other segments that our customers tend to transition to once they’re Champions. There are additional charts in this tab to see transitions between:

    • Recency Scores

    • Frequency Scores

    • Monetary Value Scores

    • Density Scores

These transitions are computed on all months included in the propagation period.

  • The RFM scores over time tab allows us to see the evolution of a variety of scores over time with bar colors indicating the period when these scores were computed. The scores over time include:

    • RFM Scores

    • RFMD Scores

    • Recency Scores

    • Frequency Scores

    • Monetary Value Scores

    • Density Scores

A short note on automation#

As mentioned in the Dataiku application section of this article, it’s possible to automate the Flow of this Solution to be triggered based on new data, a specific time, etc. All trigger parameters can be tuned in the Scenarios menu of the project. Additionally, reporters can be created to send messages to Teams, Slack, email, etc. to keep the full organization informed. These scenarios can also be run ad-hoc as needed. Full detail on the scenarios and project automation can be found in the wiki.

Reproducing these processes with minimal effort for your data#

The intent of this project is to enable marketing teams to have a plug-and-play solution built with Dataiku to segment customers by their RFM scores. By creating a singular solution that can benefit and influence the decisions of a variety of teams in a single organization, smarter and more holistic strategies can be designed to optimize customer retention, identify at-risk customers, improve customer communication, and adapt marketing strategies to customer segment distributions.

This documentation has reviewed provided several suggestions on how to derive value from this Solution. Ultimately however, the “best” approach will depend on your specific needs and data. If you’re interested in adapting this project to the specific goals and needs of your organization, Dataiku offers roll-out and customization services on demand.