Concept | Dataset conditional formatting#
Let’s learn how conditional formatting can help you organize and visualize your dataset with color.
Dataiku provides a few formatting options that can add colors to cells in a column. A preview of the column colors will always appear.

Color by meaning validity#
Color by meaning validity is the default display of a dataset.
Cells are colored depending on if their value reflects or does not reflect the column meaning. This allows you to analyze your data quality at a high level. For instance, seeing the color red across all of your columns may indicate that you need to perform some data cleaning.

Learn about column meanings in Concept | Dataset characteristics.
Color by rules#
Color by rules provides a way to color cells by certain logical conditions. You can choose one color per condition, as show here:

Color scale#
The Color scale option uses a sequence of colors to represent a column value’s numerical scale. For example, a column of integers may show the largest value in a dark color and the smallest value in a light color.