Reference | IDE setup to develop Dataiku plugins#
Though the Dataiku interface has a built-in code editor, you may have a preferred IDE. You can set up your IDE for interactive editing of your plugin code.
This enables you to develop plugins in your favorite coding environment. You will also be able to test that your plugin is working as expected by interacting with Dataiku through its APIs.
This guide covers setup with Atom and Sublime Text 3.
This guide covers only interactive
All steps in this tutorial happen outside of Dataiku.
Installing packages#
You must start by setting up a virtual environment in your workspace. In Python 3 you can use python3 -m venv dataiku_dev_env
Activate your environment by running source dataiku_dev_env/bin/activate
To install the dataikuapi
package you can run pip install dataiku-api-client
You must now install the dataiku
package, please follow the instructions on our page dedicated to the installation of this package.
Set up the kernels#
We will now take care of the interactive environment. Run pip install ipykernel
to install Jupyter.
You need to create a kernel specification in your user space so that your IDE can find it later.
python -m ipykernel install --user --name dataiku --display-name "Python (Dataiku venv)"
Set up your code editor#
In atom#
Install the package Hydrogen by going to Settings (ctrl+,
) -> + Install.
You can now open any Python source file and use shift+enter
. This will start a kernel in the current file.
In Sublime Text 3#
Install the package Hermes (use ctrl+shift+p
to open Package Control).
When you start a Hermes kernel, an output tab will appear. It’s recommended to split your view in two panes and have that tab in the right pane.
Open your Python source file in the left pane and add # %%
to define your cells. A Run cell phantom button will appear next to them!
Develop a plugin#
File structure#
Within plugins, it’s recommended to develop libraries that will provide the core functionality you are looking to add. Additionally, you should provide some recipes that use your libraries.
When developing locally you can use a test file to check that your library is working as expected. Here is a typical file structure:
custom-recipes/my-recipe Recipe folder
recipe.json Recipe definition Recipe contents, runs within DSS
python-lib Library folder Library contents
plugin.json A local file to test your library