Tutorial | Blueprint Designer#

Get started#

Start using the Blueprint Designer by building and applying a new blueprint version.


In this tutorial, you will:

  • Fork and edit a Govern model version template.

  • Make changes to fields and views.

  • Customize a workflow and add a sign-off.

  • Apply your new blueprint version to an item.

  • Update your new blueprint with more complex views.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Advanced Dataiku Govern 12.0 or later.

  • A Full Designer or Governance Manager profile.

  • Familiarity with some technical specifications, available in our reference documentation on Blueprint Designer.


This tutorial is not compatible with Dataiku Cloud at this moment.

Customize a blueprint version#

If you want to do something like change the fields of a Govern item, you can create a custom blueprint version. In this section, you will copy and modify the blueprint version of a Govern model version.

Fork a blueprint version#

In most cases, you should fork (copy) an existing blueprint version and customize the copy.

  1. From the waffle menu, select Blueprint Designer.

  2. In the left sidebar in the Blueprint Designer, select the Govern model version blueprint.

  3. Click Create New Version.

    The Govern model version page in the Blueprint Designer.
  4. Keep the default selection: Fork the system default Blueprint Version (recommended). This will create a copy of the system default blueprint version.

  5. Name the blueprint version <YOUR_INITIALS> Tutorial Govern model version and click Fork. This will create the new blueprint version and open the editor.

Add a field#

Next, we’ll make some changes to the blueprint version.

  1. Navigate to the Fields tab on the left.

  2. Click the plus button next to the search bar above the list of existing fields.

  3. Select Reference and type Owner in the Field Name. This will automatically generate a field ID, but you can define your own.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Check the isList checkbox and set the cardinality Min field to 0.

  6. Under the section Type: REFERENCE, leave the default selection Store.

  7. Select User from the Allowed blueprints dropdown.

  8. Click Save Draft.

Screenshot of field in owner field settings.

Configure views#

Now, we will configure some views that will organize our fields.

  1. Navigate to the Views tab and click on Model Version info.

  2. On the Description view component, select the More Options menu.

  3. Select Insert view component > After selection.

  4. In the list of available fields, choose Owner by clicking the plus button. This will add it to the list of selected fields on the right. You can also drag and drop to your selected fields.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Click Save Draft.

Screenshot of the model version information view with the owner field added.

Customize the workflow#

Another thing you can do in the Blueprint Designer is change the workflow of an item.

  1. Return to the General tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Workflow section and click Add Step.

  3. Type Validate in the Step name field and choose Review info from the Views dropdown.

  4. Drag this Validate step and place it under the Review step.

  5. Click Save Draft.

Screenshot of the model version workflow with the added Validate step.

Add a sign-off process#

Next, we will add a sign-off process to our new step.

  1. In our Validate step, click Create Sign-off.

  2. Type Validation Sign-off in the Sign-off name field and type Validation review process in the Description field.

  3. Under Validation Rule, keep the Make approval mandatory checkbox selected.

Screenshot of the first sign-off configurations.

Continue to configure the sign-off:

  1. Select +Create Group in the Feedback section.

  2. Type in Business reviewer in the Title field.

  3. Enable the Roles checkbox.

  4. Select Business reviewer from the Select Roles dropdown menu.

  5. In the Final approver section, enable the Roles checkbox.

  6. Select Final approver from the Select Roles dropdown menu.

  7. Click Create at the top of the page.

Activate and apply your template#

Now, take a look at your changes. You can archive you blueprint version once you are done testing it.


Make sure that you want to activate your blueprint version globally on your instance before completing this section.

  1. Click the back arrow to return to your blueprint version.

  2. Select Save and Activate > Activate.

  3. Find a model version to govern on your instance or import this project into your Dataiku Design instance as a test project.

  4. Govern the model version, making sure to select your blueprint version as the template.

  5. Open your Govern model version.

  6. Notice that the workflow steps include your new validate step.

  7. You will also see your new Owner field.

A Govern model version using the tutorial blueprint version.

Advanced views in the Blueprint Designer#

If you want, you can try taking your views a few steps further in complexity. In this section, you will define and try out more granular settings in the Blueprint Designer.

Limit item selection#

Reference fields let users select existing items or create new items. With the Blueprint Designer, you can limit this action to only selecting or creating items.

  1. In the Blueprint Designer, re-open your custom blueprint version.

  2. Open the Field tab.

  3. Click the plus button.

  4. Select Reference and type Action Item in the Field Name.

  5. Click Create.

  6. In the Allowed blueprints dropdown, select the action_item blueprint.

The steps to create a reference field in the Blueprint Designer.

Next, we’ll add this field to the same view that we worked with earlier in the tutorial.

  1. Open the Views tab.

  2. Click Model version info.

  3. On the Owner view component, select the More Options menu.

  4. Select Insert view component > After selection.

  5. In the list of available fields, choose Action Item by clicking the plus button.

  6. Click Create.

  7. In the Details panel of the Action Item component, find the Choose how the user can select items dropdown.

  8. Choose Only select existing items.

The steps to limit how a user can select items of a reference field.

Add a view condition#

Let’s also add a condition to the Action Item view component such that it only appears when the Description field is populated.

  1. In the Conditional view section of the Details panel, open the Visibility condition dropdown and select Description.

  2. From the Condition type dropdown, select Is not empty.

  3. Click Save.

  4. You will see a warning that tells you this change will affect an associated artifact. Take a moment to understand why, and then click Save.

Dataiku screenshot highlighting the steps to add a conditional view to the Action Item field.

Review changes#

Once you have made your changes, you’ll want to view their effects on the Govern model version.

  1. Open the Govern model version that uses your custom blueprint version.

  2. Notice that there is no Action Item field on the Overview page. The Action Item field does not appear yet because we added a view condition.

  3. Click Edit and add some text to the Description field. The Action Item field should then appear in the page.

  4. Select the Select existing button next to your Action Item field and note that you cannot create new action items.

A Govern model version using the updated tutorial blueprint version.

What’s next?#

You just learned how to make a custom blueprint version in the Blueprint Designer. You can experiment with adding fields to different views to see where they appear in the applied template.

If interested, take a look at importing templates in Tutorial | Use imported templates in the Blueprint Designer.