Concept | Centralization in Dataiku Govern#

One of the main functions of Dataiku Govern is to centralize your Dataiku items.

In other words, if you have various projects, models, and other items across various Dataiku nodes, you’ll be able to see all of them in one place. Let’s review how!

Governable items#

The Governable items page automatically synchronizes and consolidates all Dataiku projects and models from connected nodes. This page serves as your first stop to prioritize and select which items to govern.

On this page, you are able to:

  • Hide and unhide projects using the eye icon at the end of a row.

  • Expand any row to see existing models related to the project.

  • Open the Details panel to preview more information. The Details panel will always have an Overview tab and a Source objects tab.

  • Govern items to initiate a governance workflow.


The Governable items page does not provide information about model versions and bundles. This information is available in both the Model registry and Bundle registry pages, respectively.

Model registry#

The Model registry page provides a list of all of the models from your connected Dataiku nodes. You can also view your model versions here.

Model versions have additional views in the Details panel, including the Model Metrics tab and the Deployments tab.

The Model Metrics and Deployments tabs highlighted in the Details panel of a model version.

See also

Discover an introduction to modeling in Dataiku in Concept | Quick models in Dataiku.

Bundle registry#

Similarly, the Bundle registry page contains a list of all of your bundles in Dataiku.

Bundles have additional information in the Details panel that can be found in the Deployment tab.

The Deployments tab highlighted in the Details panel of a bundle.

See also

To learn more about bundles, visit the Project bundles section of the Batch deployment article.

Source object information#

To find more information about the source object of an item in Dataiku Govern, you can:

  • Review the Source objects tab of the Details panel.

  • Click on the pop-up icon next to the project name. This will open the item in the origin instance.

  • Explore the Dataiku Objects tab of a Govern item page if the item is governed.

What’s next?#

Now that you know about centralization in Dataiku Govern, learn how to launch item governance.