Reference | A primer on connecting to data sources#

Connect to your existing infrastructure#

SQL databases#

The list of supported SQL databases, and information on how to connect to them, is available from our reference documentation on SQL databases.

Hadoop HDFS#

To connect you will first need to configure Hadoop on your instance. Please refer to the detailed guides on specific Hadoop distributions and managed services.


Accessing cloud storage and databases#

Cloud File Storage#

Cloud Databases#

Fetching data from remote sources#

It is possible to fetch data using various protocols, and caching the resulting dataset on the filesystem.

File formats#

Dataiku can read and write in various file formats for files-based connections: filesystem, HDFS, Amazon S3, HTTP, FTP, SSH…

See the reference documentation for the list of readable File formats.

Accessing data through plugins#

Many applications such as Google Sheets, SalesForce, Slack… provide capabilities to access their data through APIs. Dataiku plugins allow the addition of custom connections leveraging these APIs to easily define datasets that fetch data from a wide variety of applications.

See the available plugins or create your own plugin.