Reference | Alteryx to Dataiku concept mapping#

New terminology can be a stumbling block when learning a new software tool. This table provides an overview mapping some of the key concepts in Alteryx to a similar feature in Dataiku.




Workflow & Canvas

Dataiku project & Flow

Organize all components of an analytics activity — data, transformations, results, and documentation — into one project. Within a project, track how data moves through an analytical pipeline through the Flow’s visual grammar of datasets, recipes, and models.

Container tool

Flow zone

Manage large projects by dividing a complex Flow into multiple, smaller zones.

Browse tool

Analyze window

In the Explore tab of a dataset, open the Analyze window on a column for exploratory data analysis (EDA).

Sample tool

Sampling on datasets

Work interactively on even very large datasets by adjusting the default sampling parameters as needed.

Input data tool

Data connections

Access data through a consistent visual interface across disparate sources such as cloud storage, HDFS, SQL, NoSQL, and more.

Text input tool

Editable datasets

Directly change the rows, columns, and values of a dataset.

Comment tool

Discussions, descriptions, wikis, etc.

Share knowledge among team members and onboard new users quickly with real-time collaboration in a browser as opposed to a desktop application.

Select tool

Prepare recipe processors

Add steps from the Prepare recipe’s processor library for the most common data wrangling operations such as selecting, renaming, and reordering columns.

Formula tool


In the Prepare recipe, write expressions in a spreadsheet-style syntax for calculations, string manipulation, and more.

DateTime functions

Date management

Parse dates, extract date components, compute time differences, and more using various processors in the Prepare recipe.

Join and Append tools

Join recipe

Visually run in-database a variety of dataset joins (left, right, inner, outer, anti, cross) without writing SQL.

Spatial tools

Geographic processors and recipes

Create geopoints from lat-lon coordinates, along with many other geographic operations, in the Prepare recipe. Use the Geo join recipe for spatial joins.

Union tool

Stack recipe

Equivalent to an SQL UNION ALL, combine multiple datasets in a number of ways with this visual recipe.

Score tool

Score recipe

Generate predictions by applying a machine learning model to unseen data.

Filter tool

Split recipe

Divide a dataset into multiple outputs based on a range of conditions, including mapping column values or defining filters.

Results window

Data preparation

Before running a Prepare recipe, preview a sample of results alongside the script. Before running other visual recipes, check the Output tab to see the new schema.

Interactive chart tool


Drag and drop data onto a variety of chart types to visualize trends and relationships in your data.

Render tool


Share results with business users by publishing insights, such as charts and key metrics, onto dashboards.

Assisted Modeling

Visual ML

Quickly create and iterate on predictive models using AutoML or expert mode.

Data investigation tools

Interactive statistics

For deeper dives beyond the Analyze window, see the Statistics tab of a dataset for computing a wide range of common statistical analyses.

Schedule Workflows

Automation scenarios

Automate the execution of a Flow — including building datasets and training models — according to triggers, such as a period of time (daily) or when a dataset changes.

Analytic Apps

Dataiku Applications

Package projects behind customizable visual interfaces so consumers can independently reuse them for downstream tasks.