How-to | Add role assignment rules to a Govern item#


Prerequisite: Understanding of role and permissions in Dataiku Govern.

While role assignment rules are typically managed through the Roles and Permissions page, you also have the option to apply role assignment rules at the item level.

  1. Open the Govern item for which you would like to add a rule.

  2. Navigate to the Role Assignments panel.

  3. If there are no rules yet for your item, select Create a Role Assignment Rule. If there are already rules, select Add Rule for this Role.

  4. Design your rule and click Create.

Dataiku screenshot highlighting the role assignment steps of an item in the user interface.

This will only apply the rule to the specific item it is attached to. To practice creating rules at a blueprint level, try out Tutorial | Govern roles and permissions.


If you wish to change permissions or inheritance that is related to a rule, this must be done in the Roles and Permissions settings.