How-to | Add a new setup action#
To add a new action to your instance template:
Under Settings > Instance templates, choose the instance template you want to modify.
Under Setup actions, select the New Action menu arrow to display the list.
Choose an action.
Configure the action and select Save.
Install system packages#
You can direct the Fleet Manager agent to install operating-system-level packages at the startup of each instance that’s linked to the template. To do this:
Under Setup actions, choose Install system packages.
In Packages to install, specify the packages you want to install on the instance, making sure to input only one package name per line.
Set up advanced security#
You can set up security-related HTTP headers to be applied to each instance linked to the template.
Prevent embedded content from rendering#
You can prevent Dataiku from being embedded as an iframe or object by turning on basic headers. To do this:
Under Setup actions, choose Set security-related HTTP headers.
Toggle Basics headers to On.
Enforce HTTP strict transport security#
Under Setup actions, choose Set security-related HTTP headers.
Toggle HSTS to On.
Install a JDBC driver#
Dataiku instances deployed through Fleet Manager already include drivers for PostgreSQL, Snowflake, and MariaDB. You can install additional JDBC drivers for each instance linked to the template.
To do this:
Under Setup actions, choose Install a JDBC driver.
In Database type, choose a database.
Optional configuration settings#
In URL, enter the full address where Fleet Manager will download the driver archive from.
In Paths in archive, add all the paths to find the JAR files in the driver archive.
This field is required when the driver is shipped as a tarball or ZIP file.
Paths are relative to the top of the archive.
Wildcards are supported. This is useful when the archive contains instructions or other files that aren’t required for the driver to work.
In HTTP Headers, add the headers required to access the source which the driver is downloaded from.
This field is only needed if you download the driver from an HTTP(S) endpoint, otherwise, it’s ignored (and you need to add headers to the HTTP request).
Type one header per line using “NAME: VALUE” format.
In HTTP Username, add the username.
This field is only needed if the HTTP(S) endpoint expects basic authentication.
To explicitly specify which Assigned Identity to use (when the machine has several), use the client_id.
To authenticate with a SAS Token on Azure Blob Storage (not recommended), type
In HTTP Password, add the password.
This field is only needed if the HTTP(S) endpoint expects basic authentication.
To authenticate with a SAS Token on Azure Blob Storage (not recommended), store the token in this field.
In Datadir subdirectory, set the name of the subdirectory.
This field isn’t required for most drivers. The driver will be placed in data_dir/lib/jdbc.
Some drivers are shipped with multiple JAR files. In this case, you may want to install them under an additional level in the lib/jdbc directory.