Tutorial | Govern roles and permissions#

Let’s learn how to set up roles and permissions in Dataiku Govern. This tutorial will start with simple configurations and become more complex as it goes on.


This tutorial is for beginners working on a newly installed instance of Dataiku Govern. Any prior modifications to the default roles and permissions may result in conflicts or unexpected behavior in this tutorial.


In this tutorial, you will:

  • Utilize standard roles that are included with Dataiku Govern.

  • Associate roles and permissions to a user and a group.

  • Apply rules associated with standard roles.

  • Create and assign new roles with specific permissions.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A newly installed Dataiku Govern instance (version 12.0 or later).

  • A Full Designer or Governance Manager profile.

  • Administrator privileges.


This tutorial includes discussion of blueprints, which are an Advanced Dataiku Govern license feature. Still, standard users still must be familiar with blueprints to complete this tutorial. For information about blueprints, please refer to our reference documentation on advanced definitions.

Get started#

Before we start working with roles and permissions, we’ll need to create some placeholder users and groups to practice on.

Create a group#

  1. From the waffle (Waffle icon.) menu, select Administration.

  2. In the left menu, click Security.

  3. Switch to the Groups tab of the panel and select + New Group.

  4. Name the group Data_Scientist_YOURINITIALS and click Create. Note that group names must be unique.

Create a user#

Next, we’ll create a new user and add them to the Data Scientist group.

  1. Return to the Users tab and select +New User.

  2. In the Login field, create a unique ID for your test user.

  3. In the Display name field, type Academy User, or something more identifiable.

  4. Select your Data Scientist group in the Groups dropdown.

  5. Choose your own password for this user.

  6. Click Create.

Now we can begin to assign some roles and permissions!

Assign a default role#

In this section, we will assign the standard Reader role to a user. This role only grants Read permissions by default, so users won’t be able to create, edit, or delete anything.

  1. From the waffle (Waffle icon.) menu, select Roles & Permissions.

  2. Navigate to Blueprint-specific settings in the left menu and select Business initiative.

  3. Click Create a Role Assignment Rule.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot showing the Create a Role Assignment Rule button in the user interface.

Let’s configure this role assignment rule to assign the Reader role to your user.

  1. Select Reader in the Assign role field.

  2. In the To users field, find and select your new user.

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Permissions tab, make sure that the Reader role has read permissions.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot showing the Reader rule configuration in the dialogue box.

With this rule in place, your user will have read permissions for business initiatives. Because business initiatives are at the top of the Govern item hierarchy, this rule will be inherited by Govern projects, models, model versions, and bundles as well. To see a visual schema of artifacts, visit this article on governance layers.


While role assignment rules are inherited, permissions aren’t. To add read permissions to all Govern artifacts, you can navigate to the permissions tab in each Blueprint-specific setting. We’ll skip this for now.


To understand role assignments better, read or review this section on defining role assignments.

To see the results of this role assignment, you can either log in to your test user profile and play around, or you can watch our video here:

Create and assign a new custom role#

Dataiku Govern also lets you configure new roles and permissions beyond the built-in standards. Let’s create a new role with specific permissions for your Data Scientist group.

In this case, we want the Data Scientist group to only be able to:

  • Read Govern projects

  • Read and write Govern bundles

  • Read related Dataiku objects

  • Read deployment information

This means that we will have to create role assignment rules for the following blueprints:



Business initiative

Dataiku project


Govern project


Dataiku saved model

Govern model

Dataiku saved model version

Govern model version

Dataiku bundle


Govern bundle

Read and Write

Project deployer deployment


Project deployer infrastructure


API deployer deployment

API deployer infrastructure


If a user isn’t associated to a role assignment rule for a certain blueprint, they will have no permissions for that blueprint. They won’t be able to access it in any way.

Create the custom role#

Let’s create this new role.

  1. Select the Roles tab in the left menu and click + New Role.

  2. Type Data Scientist YOURINITIALS in the name field. The ID field will automatically populate.

  3. Click Create.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot showing the New role dialogue.


Multiple roles can have the same name, but IDs must be unique.

Review role permissions#

Now, take a look at the default permissions for your new role.

  1. Switch to the Default permissions tab in the left menu.

  2. Find the new role in the table. Notice that the default permission is read-only.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot highlighting default permissions for the Data Scientist role.

Assign the new role to a group#

Now you can assign your new role to the Data Scientist group. Let’s do this by configuring the blueprint-specific settings relevant to your requirements.

  1. Navigate to the Blueprint-specific settings tab from the left menu.

  2. Open Dataiku project and click Create a Role Assignment Rule.

  3. Select the Data Scientist role under Assign role.

  4. Choose the Data Scientist group under And/or to groups.

  5. Click Create to save this rule.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot of the new rule for the Data Scientist role.

This assigns the Data Scientist role to the group Data Scientist for Dataiku projects and other blueprints by inheritance. Remember that permissions aren’t inherited.

Define blueprint-specific permissions#

Next, we’ll configure the permissions in our blueprint-specific settings.

  1. In the Permissions tab, select Edit.

  2. In your Data Scientist row, check the Read boxes under Artifact, blueprint and blueprint version permissions and Field permissions.

  3. Save your changes.

Repeat steps 1-3 in this section to apply rules and read permissions to the following blueprints:

  • Govern project

  • Project deployer deployment

  • Project deployer infrastructure

Define permissions for inherited rules#

Because we just created role assignment rules for the Govern project blueprint and the Dataiku project blueprint, those rules were inherited by other blueprints. Let’s add permissions on a couple of blueprints for the inherited rules.

  1. From the Blueprint-specific settings tab, open Dataiku bundle.

  2. Switch to the Permissions tab and click Edit.

  3. In your Data Scientist row, check the Read boxes under Artifact, blueprint and blueprint version permissions and Field permissions.

  4. Click Save.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot showing the Dataiku bundle blueprint-specific permissions.

Now we’ll apply read and write permissions on Govern bundles.

  1. From the Blueprint-specific settings tab, open Govern bundle.

  2. Switch to the Permissions tab and click Edit.

  3. In your Data Scientist row, check the Read and Write boxes under Artifact, blueprint and blueprint version permissions and Field permissions.

  4. Click Save.

A Dataiku Govern screenshot showing the Govern bundle blueprint-specific permissions.

Nice work! You have successfully assigned a new role with custom permissions. At this point, your user should have the Data Scientist roles and permissions because they’re part of the Data Scientist group.

See the results of this assignment for your user: