Tutorial | Create a page in the Custom Pages Designer#


Pages in Dataiku Govern display lists, or tables, of objects. Using the Custom Pages Designer from the Applications menu, you can create new pages or modify existing ones.

For example, let’s say you want to enhance the Business Initiatives page. You can make a new blueprint version (or template) and add components to it such as a risk column or an artifact matrix. Once you’ve created this custom blueprint version, you can create a page in the Custom Pages Designer to display the template that you have built.

Therefore, using the Custom Pages Designer in conjunction with the Blueprint Designer enables you to create a fully tailored version of Dataiku Govern to suit your specific needs.

Get started#


In this tutorial, you will:

  • Create a new custom page with an artifact table.

  • Configure a matrix view for a custom page.

  • Make the page visible (Optional).


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A Dataiku Govern instance (version 12.4 and above).


    The Custom Pages Designer is not available on Dataiku Cloud at this moment.

  • An Advanced Dataiku Govern license.

  • Administrator privileges.

To create a custom page, you must also be familiar with blueprints and the Blueprint Designer. More information about that can be found in our article on the Blueprint Designer.

You should also be familiar with technical specifications, available in our reference documentation on Custom Pages Designer.

Create a page#

Let’s start by adding a new page to your instance using the Custom Pages Designer.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select the Applications menu and then Custom Pages Designer.

  2. Click on the Create Page button in the top right.

  3. In the Name field, type Custom Govern Project Page. The Page ID will be automatically populated and can be edited here. Once the page is created, the ID will no longer be editable.

  4. Next to Icon, click on New to open a selection of icons. Select any icon.

  5. Click Create.

Screenshot of Dataiku Govern highlighting the add custom page button.

This adds a new, hidden page to your instance.


After creating a page, you can drag and drop its position in the left menu. This will change the order of pages in the navigation bar.

Choose the display#

The Content Display Type will dictate how your page will look! There are three types:

  • Artifact table. This will display your artifacts in table format.

  • Artifact table and matrix. This will show an artifact table and a customizable matrix.

  • Custom HTML. This options allows you to add any HTML content to the page.

Configure the artifact table#

Let’s begin with an artifact table.

  1. In the Content Display Type dropdown, keep Artifact table selected.

  2. In the Artifact Table settings under Filters, select the Govern project blueprint. This makes the table show only Govern projects.

  3. Click on +Add View Mapping.

  4. Select the Govern project blueprint and choose the Business initiative row view. This will add a Business initiative column to the table.

  5. Enable the Allow row data to be edited (only for applicable views) option.

  6. Save your changes.

A screenshot of the artifact table settings that were just configured.


You can select multiple blueprints in the filter if you want more artifacts to appear on your page.

View your page#

In the navigation bar, you will see that your page is grayed out. This is because it is not yet visible to non-admin users! However, we can still preview what the page looks like.

A screenshot of the artifact table that was just configured.


If you aren’t seeing your new page, click on the dropdown arrow at the far right of the navigation bar.

Add a matrix view#

Now we’ll add a matrix view to our custom page.

  1. In the Content Display Type dropdown, choose Artifact table and matrix.

  2. Keep the same filters and views that we configured previously.

  3. Under Matrix settings, leave the Matrix Label blank.

  4. Choose Risk score for the X Axis Field and Value score for the Y Axis Field.

  5. Under Matrix Zones, select the Risk Matrix theme coloring.

A screenshot of the matrix zone settings that were just configured.
  1. Finally, click Save!

If you want, navigate to the page to view your changes. You can also practice editing table rows in your custom page by clicking the pencil icon in that row.

Activate the page (optional)#

If you want to practice activating your page:

  1. At the top of the page settings, toggle the Visible option on.

  2. Click Save.


Remember, once you make a page visible, anyone on the Dataiku Govern instance can see it! However, you can always hide the page again by turning the Visible setting off, or by hiding the page with the More options menu.

A screenshot showing the more options meu of the custom page.

What’s next?#

More information on the Custom Pages Designer can be found in Custom Pages Designer.