Run a colleague’s workload using a Dataiku application#

See a screencast covering this section’s steps

Having a scenario run button on a dashboard simplifies the complexity for end users. But for many situations, end users may not even need access to the original project!

Dataiku applications enable users to package a project as a reusable application and share it with an audience of end users, such as business analysts. These end users can create their own instances of the application, and use it to complete their tasks without ever seeing the original project.

Your project already has been packaged as a Dataiku application. This application allows users to upload a dataset, apply the model to the uploaded data, and download the predictions — using the same scenario you ran above.

View the Dataiku application designer#

Typically, as an end user of a Dataiku application, you won’t need to see the originating project. However, in this case, you can still take a look!

  1. From the top navigation bar, navigate to the More Options (Horizontal dots icon.) menu.

  2. Choose Application Designer.

  3. Scroll through the application, and try to understand how it can be used.

Dataiku screenshot of a Dataiku application from the Application designer.

Create an instance of a Dataiku application#

Similar to creating your own copy of the starter project for this tutorial, you need to create your own copy (or instance) of the Dataiku application.

  1. From the top navigation bar, open the waffle (Waffle icon.) menu, and select Dataiku Applications.

  2. Click on the Score Job Postings application.

  3. Click Create App Instance.

  4. Give it a unique name, such as MYNAME SCORE JOBS.

  5. Click Create.

Dataiku screenshot of the dialog for creating an instance of a Dataiku application.

Use a Dataiku application#

The first field asks you to upload a dataset to be scored by the model. For this example, let’s use an export of the original job_postings dataset, but filtered for jobs in New Zealand.

  1. Download the nz_job_postings.csv file.

    Once you have a file to upload, you can use the application to produce a batch of model predictions.

  2. In the Upload data to be scored tile of your Dataiku application instance, click Add a File, and select the nz_job_postings.csv file.

  3. In the Generate predictions tile, click Run Now.

  4. When the run is finished, in the Download predictions tile, click Download.

Dataiku screenshot of a Dataiku application instance.

Without ever seeing the original project, clicking Run Now triggered the same Score Data scenario that you ran from the dashboard in the previous section. This time, however, Dataiku detected a new upstream dataset in place of the job_postings dataset. Therefore, the scenario had actual work to do!


Import the file you downloaded into Dataiku or any other data tool to confirm that it is indeed the same as the test_scored dataset found in the Flow — but including only results from New Zealand!