Business case#
The customer team at Dataiku is interested in using the website logs to perform two kinds of analysis:
Referrer Analysis
determine how visitors get to our website
identify who are the top referrers, both in terms of volume (number of visitors) and depth (number of pages linked)
Visitor Analysis
segment visitors according to how they engage with the website
map these segments to known customers to feed them into the right channels (Marketing, Prospective Sales, and Sales)
Supporting data#
This use case is based on two input data sources. The downloadable archives are found below:
Workflow overview#
The final Dataiku workflow should look like the image below.

You will go through the following high-level steps:
Upload the datasets
Clean up and enrich the log data
Use visual grouping recipes
Run a clustering model to build segments
Join the CRM and segment data for known visitors
Customize and split dataset by segments
You should be familiar with:
Core Designer learning path
Machine learning in Dataiku
Technical requirements#
The Reverse Geocoding / Admin maps plugin is required to produce administrative maps.