Concept | Govern item pages#
Let’s explore how Govern items store information about progress, history, sign-off, related items, and more.
Item information#
Find the relevant information about a Govern item by navigating through the different panels.

Use this table to help you understand the available panels.
Panel |
Description |
Overview |
Define the project description, project type and scope, related items, sign-off settings, and qualification snapshot. |
Workflow |
Track progress and add contextual information to each step of the workflow. This will help you with future revisions or audits. More information can be found in Concept | Workflows and project qualification. |
Attachments |
Upload and view files related to the project. |
Timeline |
Review and parse through the history of changes to the project. A global instance timeline is also available from the waffle ( |
Dataiku Objects |
Find your Dataiku project information, as well as information about related items such as models, bundles, and datasets. |
Role Assignments |
Create item-specific role assignment rules. Visit How-to | Add role assignment rules to a Govern item to learn more. |
Governance Settings |
Update automatic governance settings for future related items. Learn more about automatic governance in Governance settings. |
Item management#
Manage a Govern item with the different header functions, such as:
Editing, deleting, or archiving the item.
Viewing your assigned roles for the item.
Checking the item dependencies.

With Advanced Dataiku Govern, users with Admin artifact permissions will see an addition icon in the header: the template migration icon. Learn more about template migration in How-to | Switch artifact templates (blueprint versions).
Page hierarchy#
Govern projects, Govern models, Govern model versions, and Govern bundles all have similar page templates. You can navigate between these pages using page breadcrumbs. These breadcrumbs are directly correlated to the item hierarchy.

Next steps#
To review, each Govern item page has a header, a left menu, and breadcrumbs for navigation. Use this information to start configuring your Govern items and navigating dependencies.
See also
Find additional information in the reference documentation on Types of Govern items.