Concept | Jobs#

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Dataiku creates a Job when you build a dataset, run a recipe, or train a model. It lets you know when a job is running and when it completes.

Job logs#

To find out more about a job or debug a job, you can view the full job log. The job logs lets you monitor jobs and look for bottle necks. It also gives you the ability to debug potential errors.

For more information, see the reference documentation on job logs.

Job troubleshooting#

If a job fails, you can go to the page of the failed job to get more information and take steps to diagnose or troubleshoot it. You can also download a job diagnosis.

For more information, see the reference documentation on job troubleshooting.


What’s next?#

In this lesson, you learned about Jobs in Dataiku. Get more practice with this and other features of Dataiku by visiting Prepare Recipe.