Concept | Introducing Dataiku Govern#
When building AI solutions, organizations should prioritize scaling AI safely and ensuring appropriate oversight. They should also consider factors such as risk-adjusted value monitoring, compliance with AI regulations, responsible AI practices, and sustainability.
These principles can be implemented in Dataiku Govern by:
Centralizing work from different Dataiku nodes.
Tracking progress on projects, models, model versions, and bundles.
Documenting relevant information about progress, scope, stakeholders, and more.
Approving or preventing deployments.
Monitoring model performance over time.
Auditing changes and work history.
Introducing the Govern node#
Each instance of Dataiku Govern is an additional node in your Dataiku space. The Govern node interacts with other nodes in the space to automatically synchronize items as they evolve.

Next steps#
Begin learning how to build governance solutions with Dataiku Govern, starting with Concept | Centralization in Dataiku Govern!