Concept | Introducing Dataiku Govern#

When building AI solutions, organizations should prioritize scaling AI safely and ensuring appropriate oversight. They should also consider factors such as risk-adjusted value monitoring, compliance with AI regulations, responsible AI practices, and sustainability.

These principles can be implemented in Dataiku Govern by:

  • Centralizing work from different Dataiku nodes.

  • Tracking progress on projects, models, model versions, and bundles.

  • Documenting relevant information about progress, scope, stakeholders, and more.

  • Approving or preventing deployments.

  • Monitoring model performance over time.

  • Auditing changes and work history.

Introducing the Govern node#

Each instance of Dataiku Govern is an additional node in your Dataiku space. The Govern node interacts with other nodes in the space to automatically synchronize items as they evolve.

A diagram of how nodes interact with each other in a Dataiku system.

Next steps#

Begin learning how to build governance solutions with Dataiku Govern, starting with Concept | Centralization in Dataiku Govern!